Factinsect, the Automated AI Fact Checker

Factinsect compares text content with selected quality media.

Artificial intelligence can compare text content

Factinsect uses a sophisticated AI (artificial intelligence) to check the credibility of content. The fully automated tool compares text content with information from selected, trustworthy sources.

Factinsect icon

Simple traffic light system for a quick fact check

The Factinsect traffic light system provides users with a clear indication on the credibility of information at a single glance, within just a few seconds:

Green means: A trusted source has confirmed the information.

Red means: The text contradicts information from a trustworthy site.

Gray means: No clear result at the moment.

Factinsect icon

Maximum transparency with the fact quick check

Factinsect shows which parts of a news article have been confirmed or refuted by other sources - making the fact check highly transparent and comprehensible. The fact check only takes a few seconds.

In the first step, our reference media are media that have committed themselves to the journalistic code of honor and also comply with it. The scalability of the Factinsect system makes it easy to add other sources and languages in the future.

This is how Factinsect's automated fact-check works

Screenshot Factinsect automated Fact-Checker

When a user initiates a fact check, Factinsect compares the content with news from selected sources. These sources are quality media that have committed themselves to the journalistic code of honor and also comply with it.

The result appears within just a few seconds: Green means that the content is confirmed by high-quality media. Red means: The statement is refuted or partially refuted by other sources. Gray means: Factinsect could not find any sources about this topic. This may be because it's an exclusive story or because the information is new and not yet available on other news sources.

Red or gray is an indication for the user to do more research on the topic, for example by reading specialist or quality media or by talking to experts.

If interested, users can click on the highlighted text and learn which sections of the text have been confirmed or refuted by which other sources.

Sponsors and Partners

Factinsect is supported by numerous sponsors and partners. None of these institutions has ever influenced or attempted to influence our work in any way. All of our funders and amounts received are listed in our funding table.

Logo Science Park Graz - the high Tech Incubator

Factinsect is supported in the academic start-up center Science Park Graz GmbH and funded as part of the AplusB scale-up program.

Logo of the SFG

Factinsect is funded by the SFG.

Media Futures Logo

Factinsect is part of the MediaFutures project.

Logo of the European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s framework Horizon 2020 for research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951962.

Logo Google

Factinsect is part of the Google Cloud Startup Program.

Logo Amazon Web Services

Factinsect is part of the AWS Activate program

Logo Goodshares

Factinsect has received funding from Goodshares Consulting.

Logo FFG

Factinsect is funded by the österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency).

Logo of Graz

Factinsect has received funding from the city of Graz.

Logo of Microsoft Azure

Factinsect has received a sponsorship from Microsoft Azure.


Last Fact Check

Es gibt inzwischen aber auch rezeptfreie Arzneimittel bei Beschwerden, verursacht durch sexuelle Schwäche, die keinerlei bekannte Nebenwirkungen aufweisen und vor Ort in der Apotheke oder online gekauft werden können.

In einen Artikel auf welt-der-gesundheit.net wird behauptet, dass es inzwischen auch rezeptfreie Arzneimittel gegen Erektionsstörungen gibt. Als beliebtestes rezeptfreies Arzneimittel wird Neradin angegeben. Wir haben analysiert, ob der Wirkstoff Turnera diffusa tatsächlich gegen Erektionsstörungen hilft. Da das Arzneimittel Neradin bereits in einem TV-Spot und in Zeitungsanzeigen beworben wurde, sehen wir die Überprüfung der Behauptung als wichtig an. Zusätzlich besteht möglicherweise das Problem, dass Betroffene keine ärztliche Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen und stattdessen unwirksame Arzneimittel kaufen.

Die Betreiber*innen der Website wurden über den Faktencheck informiert.

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